Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 13 - Crescent River Anchorage, GA to Brunswick, GA (38 miles)

Today was another hurry up and wait day.  I was up at 0700, but had to wait on the tide to rise so I could pass the next and final hurdle of the ICW between me and Brunswick Landing Marina, where I’ll be leaving the boat for the next month or so.  I killed few hours piddling around the boat, then got underway at 0930.
Low tide

I arrived at Little Mud River (the next ICW problem spot) at 1130 and decided to anchor at the north end of the channel and wait a couple of hours for the tide to rise a bit more.

Killing time and flies

I waited until 1:00, then raised anchor and got underway.  I made it through the channel without incident and moored up at Brunswick Landing Marina at 1800, the end of Frank’s Big Adventure, part one.    
Lanier Island, GA

Brunswick Bridge and end of the line - for now!

Total miles traveled:  695 in 18 days at an average of 6 knots.

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