Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sept 28 - R.E Mayo Company Docks ( Hobucken, NC) to Morehead City Yacht Basin Marina (Morehead City, NC)

Underway at 7:50 AM.  Headed down the Pungo River to the Bay River, then out into the Pamlico Sound.  Winds weren't quite as bad as predicted, but it was still pretty stiff - steady 20 knots with gusts up to 25 or so.  Waves were around 2 to 3 feet and right up the stern as I turned into the Neuse River along the ICW route.  The boat handled well, but was wallowing a bit, so I was glad to reach the calm waters of Adam's Creek (accross the river from Oriental, NC - an extremely cruiser friendly town that bills itself as the sailing capital of NC).  I say calm, but as I was entering the creek, about 25 go-fast boats came roaring out and heading up the Neuse River.  They were really screaming - throwing rooster tails, flying out of the water with each wave - the whole bit.  They must have been having a poker run or race of some kind.  If you look closely in the power boat pic, you can see the chase helocopter.
The rest of the trip in to Morehead City was in smooth waters and uneventful.   Check out the pic of the sign I saw at the end of the canal. 
Pulled into Morehead City Yacht Basin at 3:40 - total miles for today was around 52.  Had one funny incident  - as I pulled up to the marina, the dockmaster took my lines and said "how the hell are you Frank?"  I'm pretty good with faces, but I couldn't place him to save my life (must be harder when they're gray headed).  Turns out I used to work for him back when I first joined the Coast Guard as a non-rate down at Oak Island, NC.  Small world.
This is the first time I've had reliable internet access since Norfolk, so I have managed to post a few pics here, as well as my previous entries, so go back and check them out.

Bubba Gump shrimp boat
Speed boat

I wonder if she did...

Gold marsh grass
Moored MCYB


  1. If that crappy sign is a glimpse into the man then I would say probably not. Unless that's just the "bees knees" for her then they were meant for each other.

    1. Come on now! Wouldn't you rather get a home made card for your birthday than a store bought one? Same thing here - can't you just see the love and attention to detail that went into this sign?

  2. Btw, Lovin the adventure brother!

    1. Glad you like it - it's something I've wanted to do for a long while, so I'm having a good time with it.
