Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30 - Morehead City Yacht Basin Marina (Morehead City, NC) to Mile Hammock Bay (MCB Camp Lejeune, NC)

Got underway at 7:15, but was delayed for an hour due to a Morehead City R/R bridge closure.  Started heading south around 8:35.  If I have any old stomping grounds, this stretch of coast (Morehead City to Southport, NC) would be it.  Not only did I spend a lot of time as a kid on Topsail Island, but I went to college at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and was stationed here a number of times while in the Coast Guard (Ft Macon and Oak Island).
The goal today was Mile Hammock Bay, a popular anchorage just North of Topsail Island and adjacent to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune , a total of 41 miles. 
The weather was great and I made good time, dropping anchor at 2:10.  Luckily the artillery range was not in use today (in which case they close off the ICW during live fire exercises). 
My bit of excitement for the day was touching bottom at one of the well-known shallow spots along the ICW (the first time of the trip and hopefully the last) but I was able to spin around and find deeper water fairly quickly.  I knew the area was reported as being a challenge to pass at low tide (which it was) and I was traveling pretty slow, but the shoal had drifted farther into the channel than was reported (that’s my story anyway).  MELEU has a 6’ draft, which is pretty deep and can make for some intense moments while transiting the “bad spots” along the ICW.  Tomorrow’s goal is Wilmington, NC.

Firing range sign along the ICW

Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 29 - Morehead City Yacht Basin Marina (Morehead City, NC)

As I've been pushing along at a pretty good clip since departing Norfolk, I decided to take a day off to work on some article deadlines and do a little sightseeing.  After taking care of business in the morning, I biked over to the town of Beaufort to check out the Maritime Museum .  It’s been 4 or 5 years since my last visit and it was great then, but I particularly wanted to see the artifacts salvaged from Blackbeard’s flagship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge the remains of which was located just outside Beaufort Inlet.  If you like maritime history, pirates, or both this is a must see when transiting the area – highly recommended.

Beaufort Harbor and Frank's hog.

Downtown Beaufort

Blackbeard exibit

Queen Annie's Revenge artifacts

more artifacts

and even more artifacts

Model of refovery site

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sept 28 - R.E Mayo Company Docks ( Hobucken, NC) to Morehead City Yacht Basin Marina (Morehead City, NC)

Underway at 7:50 AM.  Headed down the Pungo River to the Bay River, then out into the Pamlico Sound.  Winds weren't quite as bad as predicted, but it was still pretty stiff - steady 20 knots with gusts up to 25 or so.  Waves were around 2 to 3 feet and right up the stern as I turned into the Neuse River along the ICW route.  The boat handled well, but was wallowing a bit, so I was glad to reach the calm waters of Adam's Creek (accross the river from Oriental, NC - an extremely cruiser friendly town that bills itself as the sailing capital of NC).  I say calm, but as I was entering the creek, about 25 go-fast boats came roaring out and heading up the Neuse River.  They were really screaming - throwing rooster tails, flying out of the water with each wave - the whole bit.  They must have been having a poker run or race of some kind.  If you look closely in the power boat pic, you can see the chase helocopter.
The rest of the trip in to Morehead City was in smooth waters and uneventful.   Check out the pic of the sign I saw at the end of the canal. 
Pulled into Morehead City Yacht Basin at 3:40 - total miles for today was around 52.  Had one funny incident  - as I pulled up to the marina, the dockmaster took my lines and said "how the hell are you Frank?"  I'm pretty good with faces, but I couldn't place him to save my life (must be harder when they're gray headed).  Turns out I used to work for him back when I first joined the Coast Guard as a non-rate down at Oak Island, NC.  Small world.
This is the first time I've had reliable internet access since Norfolk, so I have managed to post a few pics here, as well as my previous entries, so go back and check them out.

Bubba Gump shrimp boat
Speed boat

I wonder if she did...

Gold marsh grass
Moored MCYB

Sept 27 - Bear Point (Alligator River) to R.E Mayo Company Docks ( Hobucken, NC)

Another good milage day (55).  Underway at 800 and entered the Alligator River / Pungo River Canal, a 21.2 mile landcut straight as an arrow "ditch".  Bypassed the city of Belhaven, NC (another good ICW stop) traveled down the Pungo River, crossed the Pamlico River, entered Goose Creek and moored at the R.E Mayo Fish company docks at 3:20 PM.  This is a working fish company that lets transient boaters tie up to their docks.  Dock fees are very cheap ($14 per night in my case) and you can buy fresh seafood right off the boats.  It ain't fancy, but it does have a funky twang to it - check out the his and hers outhouses. 
The winds were still pretty stiff today (15 to 20 knots with lumpy seas) and tomorrow is supposed to be even stiffer (winds 25 knots gusting to 35) so it’s also a great place to hang out while waiting for the winds to calm down.  If I wake up and it’s howling outside, I’ll hang out here another day, although if you’ve ever been to Hobucken, you know there isn’t squat here.  There’s a convenience store a mile or so up the road, although Coast Guard Station Hobucken is around 600 yards away, which is funny as I used to maintain the electronics for the station and small boats when I was stationed at Ft Macon, NC back in the early 80’s.  If I wind up staying tomorrow, maybe I’ll bike over there and see if they’ll let me sponge a few meals off them!

Alligator River / Pungo River canal

Moored R.E. Mayo docks

His and her outhouses


R.E. Mayo fish house

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sept 26 - Goat Island, NC (Pasquotank River) to Bear Point (Alligator River)

Made some good milage today (58) which is a lot in a sailboat that maxes out at 7 MPH.  By passed Elizabeth City (a great town to stop at) and decided to cross the Albermarle Sound while the weather was still fairly settled (the Albermarle is famous for rough waters when the wind picks up).  Winds were around 10 to 15 knots during the crossing, but picked up some while entering the Alligator River, which made for some lumpy, following seas all the way to Bear Point Anchorage (just north of the Alligator River / Pungo River Canal).  This is one of the more remote areas of the NC portion of the ICW.  It's peaceful and not a light to be seen except for the stars, but there ain't nothing but birds, bears, and other critters out here.

Under way in the Pasquatank River

Bear Pt anchorage

Sunset at Bear Point

Sept 25 - Norfolk VA to Goat Island, NC (Pasquotank River)

Departed Norfolk Naval Station MWR Marina at 0815 and headed south.  Traveled down the Elizabeth River through Norfolk and Portsmouth, then up Deep Creek and into the Great Dismal Swamp Canal.  Anchored at Goat Island at 5:30. Yes, beautiful Goat Island - where every day's a holiday, every night a party!  Well, except for tonight, as there's no one but me and the mosquitoes.  This is actually one of my favorite anchorages along this route.  Nice and peaceful.

Buoy 36 - Official start of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (aka ICW)

Warships in dry dock - Portsmouth 

 Deep Creek Locks -

Dismal Swamp Canal (lots of swamp algae in this shot) 

Mysterious Goat Island

Monday, September 23, 2013

Heading south

THE PLAN- part 1: 
I'm taking a few weeks off starting Sept 25th and moving my boat down to Brunswick Landing Marina in Georgia, which is just up from the Florida border . The plan is to leave it there until November 1st (the official end of hurricane season) at which time my insurance policy will allow me to head south into Florida and eventually (if all goes well) over to the Bahamas for the winter.
I'm not much on social media (I don't Facebook, tweet, burp, fart, or blog up until this point) but I did want to have something in place to post my progress down the ICW to Florida and beyond.  I'll try to update this site daily while underway with a few pics and my current location for those interested in following my progress - Frank