Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 26 - Ft Pierce, FL to Cocoa, FL (68 miles)

Underway at 0730 to start my trip back to Norfolk.  As it was Memorial Day, there were still a lot of people on the water, but not so much that it was a problem.

Red-neck Island
more island fun

Sailing along smartly

Made it to the Cocoa Beach anchorage and dropped the hook at 4:30.  I stayed here in January while heading south, so was familiar with it - in fact, there was an old abandoned crab pot float that was right were I wound up anchoring (just aft of the stern) that I recognized from my January stop, so I must have been in almost the exact same spot.  Made 68 miles, which is not a bad day's run on a boat that travels about as fast as you can walk.

Frank's dinner

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