Monday, April 28, 2014

March 24th to April 2nd. Abacos. First stop - Hope Town

Marilou and I flew down to check on the boat and had hoped to cruise around for a bit. The weather had other ideas however and the wind was howling for the better part of 6 days.  All the harbors were full and everyone was pretty much hunkered down for the duration.  So, like the old saying we decided to take the lemons dealt to us and make them into lemonade.  Fortunately, Marsh Harbor is centrally located and we had had the option of taking the local ferries to most of the places we were planning on visiting anyway.
Our fist day trip was to Hope Town, a very popular destination that's famous for its iconic red and white lighthouse, one of only three hand-wound, kerosene-burning lighthouses left in the world.

Here's a few pics of the other interesting spots we visited about Hope Town...
Hummingbird Cottage Art Museum

Hummingbird Art Museum

Frank and Capt Bligh's breadfruit tree

View of Hope Town Harbor from atop the lighthouse

Best seat on the island - note the range markers for the entrance channel to the harbor.

Hope Town School

...and it was as good as it looks!

Key Lime tart fresh out of the oven from Vernon's Bakery - just awesome!
Next stop - Great Guana Cay!

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